An image showing a professional workspace with a clean and organized desk, a laptop open with a business presentation on the screen, and a notepad with handwritten notes. The background includes motivational quotes and a cup of tea, symbolizing focus and clarity in business. The overall theme represents overcoming chaos and achieving success through better time management and environment control.

Top 7 Things That Can Sabotage Your Business

September 21, 20214 min read

The Hidden Obstacles to Business Success:
My Personal Journey of Growth and Lessons Learned

Running a business can sometimes feel like a never-ending race, with the weight of countless responsibilities pressing down on you. If you're struggling to focus, feeling overwhelmed, or pulled in too many directions, you're not alone. I know exactly how you feel—because I've been there.

8 Reasons

The Move That Changed Everything

Just recently, I made a significant move from a 4,000-square-foot house with three floors, seven bedrooms, five bathrooms, and more. This house was a dream come true, with all the luxuries I once thought were the markers of success. Marble staircases, a massive chandelier, and a jetted jacuzzi in the master bedroom—these were the symbols of the wealth and success I aspired to.

But here's the thing: that house, which I thought would bring me closer to my goals, ended up slowing me down in ways I never anticipated.

1. Your Home Can Be a Trap

One of the biggest lessons I learned was that a home can be more of a burden than a blessing. Living in a large, luxurious house might seem like the epitome of success, but it's easy to become a slave to its maintenance. If you're not financially prepared to hire help, you'll find yourself spending countless hours cleaning, organizing, and managing your home. This time could be better spent growing your business.

When I moved, I decided to downsize significantly. Now, I live in a much smaller space—a home that’s easier to maintain, and it has brought me a surprising sense of peace. I wake up, make my tea, and can start my day without the dread of facing a chaotic kitchen or a mess that takes hours to clean.

2. Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset

As entrepreneurs, our time is money. The time I wasted cleaning that massive house or chasing after roommates to keep it tidy was time I could have spent building my business. The more people you live with, the more mess there is to clean, and the more time you lose. I learned that protecting my time is crucial, and that means simplifying my life in every possible way.

3. Family Dynamics Can Hold You Back

I moved into that house to help my aunt, thinking I could rescue her from a bad situation. But here's the truth: you can't rescue anyone. People need to go through their own journeys, and trying to save them often leads to more harm than good. My relationship with my aunt became strained, and I ended up spending more energy managing the household dynamics than focusing on my business.

4. Drama Drains Your Energy

Living with multiple people, including my aunt and a roommate struggling with alcoholism, created a lot of drama. This drama drained my energy and distracted me from my goals. Since moving, the absence of drama has been liberating. My energy is no longer being sucked into household conflicts, and I can focus entirely on my business.

5. Evaluate Your Relationships

Relationships are another area where you need to be mindful. Does your partner support your goals, or are they draining your energy? I'm fortunate to have a partner who has always lightened my load and been my biggest cheerleader. But it's important to evaluate all the relationships in your life. If a friendship or relationship is consistently draining you, it might be time to reassess its place in your life.

6. Self-Worth Comes from Within

Living in that big, beautiful house initially made me feel successful, but it also made me question my worth. I had doubts about whether I belonged in such a place. Over time, I realized that self-worth doesn't come from external markers like a big house or fancy things. True self-worth comes from within—from knowing who you are and what you're capable of, regardless of your external circumstances.

7. Your Job Might Be Holding You Back

If you're working a job while dreaming of starting your own business, consider how much time you're dedicating to someone else's dream instead of your own. The hours you spend at a job could be used to build your empire. I know this isn't an easy leap to make, but if you're feeling called to do something bigger, it might be time to take that step.

Final Thoughts: Simplify to Succeed

My journey has taught me that success isn't about accumulating more—whether it's a bigger house, more stuff, or even more people in your life. It's about simplifying and focusing on what truly matters. Downsizing my home, protecting my time, and letting go of relationships that didn't serve me were all crucial steps in moving my business forward.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck in your business, take a step back and evaluate what's truly holding you back. You might be surprised to find that the solution is simpler than you think.


  • Start Your Self-Love Journey: Download the FREE 30-Day Self-Love Challenge here.

  • Reprogram Your Mind for Self-Love: Let me guide you through the process for the cost of a cocktail here.

  • Unlock My FREE Secret Success Strategy: Get your copy here.

With Unconditional Love,

Harmony Woodington, C.Ht.

Harmony Woodington is a seasoned expert in personal transformation and energetic healing, dedicated to helping individuals unlock their fullest potential through the power of self-love and self-awareness. As the founder of Awakened Body, Harmony combines her extensive training as a Hypnotherapist with her deep understanding of energy dynamics to offer transformative coaching and guidance.

At Awakened Body, Harmony specializes in empowering clients to create lasting change by focusing on the energy they emit and receive. Her unique approach blends psychological insight with practical strategies to cultivate a nurturing inner environment, enabling clients to build genuine connections, achieve their goals, and live a more fulfilling life.

Harmony’s journey began with overcoming significant personal challenges, which led her to discover the profound impact of self-love and energetic intelligence. Through her work, she inspires others to embark on their own healing journeys, offering tools and techniques that facilitate personal growth and enhance overall well-being.

With a commitment to creating a supportive and loving space for growth, Harmony Woodington continues to make a positive impact through her work at Awakened Body, guiding clients toward a more empowered and harmonious life.

Harmony Woodington

Harmony Woodington is a seasoned expert in personal transformation and energetic healing, dedicated to helping individuals unlock their fullest potential through the power of self-love and self-awareness. As the founder of Awakened Body, Harmony combines her extensive training as a Hypnotherapist with her deep understanding of energy dynamics to offer transformative coaching and guidance. At Awakened Body, Harmony specializes in empowering clients to create lasting change by focusing on the energy they emit and receive. Her unique approach blends psychological insight with practical strategies to cultivate a nurturing inner environment, enabling clients to build genuine connections, achieve their goals, and live a more fulfilling life. Harmony’s journey began with overcoming significant personal challenges, which led her to discover the profound impact of self-love and energetic intelligence. Through her work, she inspires others to embark on their own healing journeys, offering tools and techniques that facilitate personal growth and enhance overall well-being. With a commitment to creating a supportive and loving space for growth, Harmony Woodington continues to make a positive impact through her work at Awakened Body, guiding clients toward a more empowered and harmonious life.

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