Navigating your career or business can be like finding your way through an unfamiliar city without a map; training your brain, much like London taxi drivers, to grow your hippocampus can make all the difference in your professional life.

10 Proven Hacks for Career Success

August 16, 202412 min read

Transform Your Career with These Science-Backed Techniques

Person looking at a city map, symbolizing the journey of navigating a career or business, with an overlay of brain imagery representing the growth of the hippocampus.

Have you ever felt navigating your career or business is like trying to find your way through an unfamiliar city without a map?

Some people have an innate sense of direction, while others struggle, feeling lost and overwhelmed. But here’s the good news: Just like you can train your body, you can also train your brain to become a more effective navigator in your professional life.

At the heart of this lies the hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for memory and navigation. Here is some Scientific Evidence Supporting Neuroplasticity.

The London Taxi Drivers Study: One of the most famous studies on neuroplasticity involved London taxi drivers. Researchers found that the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with navigation and spatial memory, was significantly larger in taxi drivers than in non-taxi drivers. The more years of experience the drivers had, the larger the hippocampus, illustrating how environmental demands can shape the brain’s structure.

Here are 10 actionable ways to grow your hippocampus and set yourself up for success:

1. Engage in Mindful Meditation

Regular mindfulness meditation can increase hippocampal density, improve stress management, and make clearer decisions.

Here are a few types of meditation to get you started.

  • Focused Attention Meditation- Focusing on a single object, sound, or breath. This practice trains the mind to stay present and helps strengthen concentration, leading to increased hippocampal density.

  • Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta)- Cultivate feelings of compassion and love toward yourself and others. Meditation can reduce stress and enhance emotional regulation, benefiting the hippocampus and overall mental health.

  • Body Scan Meditation- Slowly bring awareness to different body parts, noticing sensations without judgment. This practice helps connect mind and body, promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which can protect and nurture the hippocampus.

  • Walking Meditation- Engage in slow, mindful walking, focusing on the sensations of each step. This combines movement with mindfulness, offering physical and mental benefits, including stress reduction and improved cognitive function.

  • Guided Visualization- Use your imagination to create a peaceful, positive mental image. This type of meditation reduces stress and strengthens the hippocampus by engaging the brain’s visual and spatial memory regions.

Each of these meditation types offers unique benefits, helping to support hippocampal health and enhance your ability to manage stress and make more precise decisions in your professional life.

2. Embrace New Challenges

Taking on new challenges forces your brain to adapt, creating new neural connections and strengthening existing ones. When you step out of your comfort zone, your brain is pushed to solve problems, think creatively, and learn new information, all stimulating neuroplasticity. This process helps your brain grow, particularly in areas like the hippocampus, enhancing memory, learning capacity, and problem-solving skills.

Here are Some Examples of Challenges You Can Try:

  • Learn a New Language- Immerse yourself in a new language to stimulate your brain, enhance cognitive functions, and improve memory.

  • Start a New Hobby- Engage in a hobby like painting, gardening, or coding to foster creativity and cognitive flexibility.

  • Take on a Complex Work Project- Challenge yourself with a demanding project to sharpen problem-solving skills and expand your professional capabilities.

  • Enroll in an Online Course- Pursue an online course to stay current with industry trends, gain new skills, and boost your career development.

  • Try Physical Challenges- Sports and fitness challenges to enhance overall well-being and cognitive performance.

By embracing new challenges, you’re expanding your skill set and actively promoting brain health and cognitive resilience, setting yourself up for more tremendous success in your career or business.

3. Prioritize Physical Exercise

Aerobic exercises like running or cycling have been shown to increase hippocampal volume. A healthy body supports a sharp mind, which is crucial for strategic thinking.

Here Are Five Exercises That Promote Brain Health and Cognitive Function:

  • Aerobic Exercise (Running, Cycling, Swimming)- Regular aerobic activity is associated with improved memory and a reduced risk of cognitive decline.

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)- This exercise has been shown to boost the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports hippocampal health and cognitive function.

  • Yoga- Has been linked to increased hippocampal volume and enhanced emotional regulation, making it an excellent exercise for brain health.

  • Dancing- This complex physical activity stimulates the hippocampus by engaging motor and cognitive functions, improving memory and spatial awareness.

  • Strength Training- Lifting weights and resistance training have been shown to improve cognitive function by increasing the release of growth factors that promote hippocampal health.

Incorporating these exercises into your routine can support hippocampal growth, improve memory, and enhance overall cognitive health, contributing to your success in personal and professional endeavours.

4. Learn to Navigate — Literally

  • Engage in activities that require navigation, such as orienteering or even exploring new routes in your daily commute. This helps create new neural pathways related to spatial memory.

Here are Some Examples of Activities to Improve Navigation:

Orienteering- Engage in orienteering to develop and practice map-reading and compass skills, which enhance spatial awareness and navigation abilities.

  • Explore New Routes- Regularly take different routes to familiar places to challenge your brain’s spatial memory and improve your ability to navigate various environments.

  • Hiking in Unfamiliar Terrain- New and diverse terrains stimulate your brain’s navigation systems, enhance your sense of direction, and build spatial memory through real-world experience.

  • Virtual Navigation Games- Play navigation-based video games or apps that require planning and route-finding, which can strengthen your mental mapping skills and spatial problem-solving.

  • Drive Without GPS- Rely on memory and observation to find your way. This practice strengthens your spatial memory and reinforces the neural pathways associated with navigation.

Incorporating these activities into your routine can enhance your ability to navigate physically and mentally, give your hippocampus a workout, and support overall brain health.

5. Get Adequate Sleep

  • Sleep is crucial for our brain to process and integrate new information. During sleep, particularly deep sleep, the brain consolidates memories and strengthens synaptic connections, enhancing learning and memory. Lack of adequate sleep can disrupt this process, impairing cognitive function and reducing neuroplasticity. Think of sleep as a nightly tune-up for your brain, ensuring it functions at its best.

Here Are Some Effective Strategies to Ensure You Get Quality Rest:

  • Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule- Go to bed and wake up simultaneously every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

  • Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine- Develop a pre-sleep routine that signals your body to wind down. Activities such as reading, gentle stretching, or practicing deep breathing can help ease the transition to sleep.

  • Optimize Your Sleep Environment- Make your bedroom conducive to sleep by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows to support restful sleep.

  • Limit Exposure to Screens Before Bed- Reduce screen time from devices like phones, tablets, and computers at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

  • Avoid Caffeine and Heavy Meals Before Bed- Limit caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening, as it can disrupt your ability to fall asleep. Also, avoid heavy or rich meals close to bedtime, as they can cause discomfort and affect sleep quality.

6. Break Up Routine

  • Routine can sometimes lead to cognitive stagnation, where your brain becomes accustomed to predictable patterns and struggles to adapt to new challenges. Introducing variety into your daily activities can stimulate your brain, keep it engaged, and enhance its adaptability. By diversifying your experiences and stepping out of your comfort zone, you encourage neuroplasticity, which supports mental flexibility and growth.

Here’s Some Example to Help You Break Up Your Routine

  • Try New Hobbies- Explore new hobbies like photography, cooking, or playing a musical instrument to stimulate creativity and cognitive growth, keeping your mind engaged and adaptable.

  • Change Your Work Environment- Modify your workspace by rearranging furniture, adding new elements, or working in different locations to boost productivity and refresh your cognitive processes.

  • Attend Workshops or Classes- Participate in workshops or classes to acquire new skills, gain knowledge, and challenge your brain, which can foster personal and professional development.

  • Meet New People — Expand your social network by attending events, joining clubs, or engaging in community activities. These activities can introduce new perspectives and stimulate cognitive flexibility.

  • Read Different Genres — Diversify your reading material by exploring genres such as fiction, nonfiction, science fiction, or historical novels to enhance cognitive versatility and broaden your knowledge.

By breaking up your routine and introducing variety, you can prevent cognitive stagnation, keep your brain engaged, and enhance mental agility.

7. Explore New Places

Travelling, especially solo, forces your brain to create new maps, enhancing your navigation skills and ability to think critically in unfamiliar situations. Go to new places where people speak different languages and cultures. This will force you to think outside the box and adapt, affecting how you function in your daily life at home.

Here are some examples to get you started:

  • Take a Solo Trip Abroad- Travel to a foreign country to navigate new cities, interact with locals, and adapt to different cultural norms. This experience enhances your problem-solving skills and spatial awareness.

  • Visit Unfamiliar Neighborhoods in Your City—Explore neighbourhoods you haven’t been to before to challenge your sense of direction and adaptability, improving your ability to navigate and understand new environments.

  • Participate in a Cultural Exchange Program- Engage in a cultural exchange to immerse yourself in a different culture, learn a new language, and adapt to unfamiliar customs, which broadens your perspective and cognitive flexibility.

  • Attend International Festivals or Events — Visit international festivals or events in your area to experience diverse cultures, cuisines, and traditions. This will enhance your adaptability and enrich your global understanding.

  • Embark on an Adventure Travel Experience — Go on an adventure travel experience, such as trekking in a new country or exploring remote locations, to challenge your navigation skills and embrace unfamiliar situations, boosting your critical thinking and adaptability.

8. Challenge Your Memory

Practice memory-enhancing activities like puzzles, reading, or even learning a new language. These exercises help stimulate the hippocampus and improve cognitive functions.

Here are five practical ways to boost your memory:

  • Solve Puzzles- Work on crosswords, Sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles regularly. These activities require you to recall information, recognize patterns, and solve problems, exercising and enhancing memory.

  • Learn a New Language- Start learning a new language through apps, classes, or language exchange programs. Mastering a new language involves memorizing vocabulary, grammar rules, and pronunciation and challenging and strengthening memory.

  • Practice Mnemonic Devices- Memorize information using acronyms, visualization, or rhymes. For instance, create a mnemonic to remember a list of items or concepts, making it easier to recall complex information.

  • Read Regularly- Set aside time to read books, articles, or research papers. Reading enhances memory by requiring you to remember and synthesize information and expands your knowledge base.

  • Play Memory-Enhancing Games- Engage in games designed to improve memory, such as memory card games, brain training apps, or digital games that challenge recall and cognitive skills. These games often include exercises that target different aspects of memory.

With these memory-challenging activities in your routine, you can support hippocampal health and boost your cognitive functions, contributing to overall brain resilience and effectiveness.

9. Reduce Stress

Chronic stress can shrink the hippocampus. To protect your brain’s health, incorporate stress-relief techniques like deep breathing, yoga, or nature walks into your routine.

A Few Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

  • Deep Breathing- Take slow, deep breaths through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale through your mouth. Repeat for a few minutes to activate your body’s relaxation response.

  • Box Breathing- Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold for 4, exhale through your mouth for 4, and pause for 4 before repeating. This technique helps calm your mind and regulate your breathing.

  • Take a Short Walk- Step outside and take a brisk 5–10 minute walk, ideally in nature. This helps clear your mind, boosts endorphins, and provides a mental break.

  • Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation- Tense and slowly release each muscle group, starting from your toes and working up to your head. This technique helps reduce physical tension and promotes relaxation.

  • Listen to Calming Music- Play soothing music or nature sounds. Music can lower cortisol levels and create a sense of calm, helping to alleviate stress quickly.

These techniques can help you manage stress efficiently and enhance your overall well-being.

10. Seek Continuous Learning

The more you learn, the more your brain adapts. Attend workshops, read books, or take courses that challenge your mind and push you to grow.

Here are a few practical ways to incorporate continuous learning into your life:

  • Attend Professional Workshops- Participate in industry-specific workshops or conferences to gain new skills and insights relevant to your field. For instance, if you’re in marketing, attend workshops on digital marketing trends or new software tools.

  • Enroll in Online Courses—You can Take online courses through Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn Learning. Topics range from advanced data analytics to creative writing, depending on your interests and career goals.

  • Read Books and Articles- Set a goal to read one book monthly on various subjects, such as business strategy, psychology, or personal development. Reading diverse materials stimulates your brain and expands your knowledge.

  • Join a Study Group or Book Club- Join a local or virtual study group or book club focused on subjects that interest you. Engaging in discussions and sharing perspectives can deepen your understanding and stimulate cognitive growth.

  • Learn a New Skill or Hobby- Start a new hobby or skill that challenges your brain, such as learning to play a musical instrument, coding, or cooking complex recipes. Acquiring new skills keeps your mind engaged and adaptable.

These continuous learning activities can help keep your brain sharp, enhance cognitive abilities, and foster personal and professional growth.

Let’s Put It All Together

Your brain is your most powerful asset in business, and just like any other part of your body, it needs care and training. By actively working to grow your hippocampus, you’re improving your navigation skills and equipping yourself with the cognitive tools to excel in every aspect of your career.

Remember, business success isn’t just about hard work but brilliant work. By nurturing your mind, you set yourself up for lasting success.

All the love from me to you,

Harmony Woodington C.Ht.

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Harmony Woodington is a seasoned expert in personal transformation and energetic healing, dedicated to helping individuals unlock their fullest potential through the power of self-love and self-awareness. As the founder of Awakened Body, Harmony combines her extensive training as a Hypnotherapist with her deep understanding of energy dynamics to offer transformative coaching and guidance.

At Awakened Body, Harmony specializes in empowering clients to create lasting change by focusing on the energy they emit and receive. Her unique approach blends psychological insight with practical strategies to cultivate a nurturing inner environment, enabling clients to build genuine connections, achieve their goals, and live a more fulfilling life.

Harmony’s journey began with overcoming significant personal challenges, which led her to discover the profound impact of self-love and energetic intelligence. Through her work, she inspires others to embark on their own healing journeys, offering tools and techniques that facilitate personal growth and enhance overall well-being.

With a commitment to creating a supportive and loving space for growth, Harmony Woodington continues to make a positive impact through her work at Awakened Body, guiding clients toward a more empowered and harmonious life.

Harmony Woodington

Harmony Woodington is a seasoned expert in personal transformation and energetic healing, dedicated to helping individuals unlock their fullest potential through the power of self-love and self-awareness. As the founder of Awakened Body, Harmony combines her extensive training as a Hypnotherapist with her deep understanding of energy dynamics to offer transformative coaching and guidance. At Awakened Body, Harmony specializes in empowering clients to create lasting change by focusing on the energy they emit and receive. Her unique approach blends psychological insight with practical strategies to cultivate a nurturing inner environment, enabling clients to build genuine connections, achieve their goals, and live a more fulfilling life. Harmony’s journey began with overcoming significant personal challenges, which led her to discover the profound impact of self-love and energetic intelligence. Through her work, she inspires others to embark on their own healing journeys, offering tools and techniques that facilitate personal growth and enhance overall well-being. With a commitment to creating a supportive and loving space for growth, Harmony Woodington continues to make a positive impact through her work at Awakened Body, guiding clients toward a more empowered and harmonious life.

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